
Posts Tagged ‘Lorimar series’

Dallas Series One Step Closer

January 16, 2011 Leave a comment

According to Variety, TNT-TBS Programming Chief Michael Wright has high expectations for the new version of Dallas.

Can Cynthia Cidre pull off a new version that will resound with viewers of the original Dallas, plus a brand new audience whow weren’t alive when Kristen shot JR?  For those of us who were on the lot for the original series, we can’t wait to see what happens next!

TNT programming chief Michael Wright told Variety that “expectations remain extraordinarily high” for the series and praises writer Cynthia Cidre on her updated scenario, which he calls “compelling”. 

We’d love to interview Cidre to get her take on the remake.  And it still remains to be seen if any of the original cast members will show up on, or even join the cast of “Dallas”.  But we have a feeling if 10 gallon hats begin popping up on set, Larry Hagman will be under one of them, to oversee all the action as the now-grown Christopher and John Ross duke it out in the executive suite. 

Here’s the latest from Variety.